family & community
born learning trails
Found at several locations throughout the county, Born Learning Trails offer ten activity stations with serve and return activities for parents, grandparents, caregivers and children birth to 5!
Delaware County Juvenile Court Assessment Center
A community-based service, the Assessment Center provides early intervention support for youth and families outside of the court system to prevent out of home placement in cases of family instability.
Mental/Behavioral Health Support
Substance Abuse Services
Assistance in linkage to services
Diversion Programming
Home-based Counseling
Crisis/Safety Interventions
Parenting Support
For more information, contact Sara Miller, Assessment Center Supervisor, 740-833-2601.
family Cooking matters class
Family Cooking Matters provides hands-on instruction that will help children, teens, and parents/caregivers develop a love of cooking and the skills to make healthy food choices wherever they go together. Ohio Wesleyan University students teach middle school teens kid-approved lunches which are healthy, budget-minded and easy to make.
More information to come!
Family resource center
The Delaware City Schools Family Resource Center supports families in Delaware County by providing access to resources including Neighbor to Neighbor utility assistance, the PACER Food Pantry, and Delaware County Diaper Bank. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 8 AM TO 4 PM.
The county-wide SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM starts at Woodward Elementary (200 S. Washington) on June 6 and ends August 5, Monday through Friday from 12:00noon to 12:30pm. Open to all children 18 and younger with a limited number of lunches for their adult companions. No registration needed, just join us!
GRAndparent cafes
Join other grandparents raising grandchildren as we navigate conversations together on:
Coffee provided, brown bag welcome. Lunch is also available in the SourcePoint Cafe for a donation. No RSVP necessary. Currently this program is on hiatus.
School supplies are provided to Delaware County students K-12 to have the resources they need to feel confident and ready to learn in the upcoming school year. VISIT SUPPLIES FOR SCHOLARS FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION.
syntero counseling
Practices that inform, educate, demonstrate skills, and reduce risk behaviors in youth provided by Syntero Counseling in the Wellness Room. Call 740-417-4935 to schedule an appointment.