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middle school

Looking for middle school student (6th-8th grade; sometimes 5th grade) opportunities throughout the year?  Programs include the following conditions:

  • MUST FILL OUT THE PERMISSION FORM!! To participate in ANY Strengthening Families middle school activities, every parent/guardian needs to fill out our Teen Participant Permission Form.

  • May have limited numbers – some programs are limited in the numbers of participants.  Once it fills up we won’t have any more room.  Please check to see if you need to register! See below for one-time, weekly, or monthly programming, which is subject to change.

  • All school rules apply!

  • No fees for programming.

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after-school Teen Room Drop-in

Fifth through eighth grade students are invited to spend their afternoon in the Teen Room for games, open study, and special activities. Must follow rules from above and fill out PERMISSION FORM before attending an open Teen Room.  Wednesdays from

3 - 5PM during the school year excluding school holidays, breaks, or closures.


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cooking matters

Cooking Matters for Middle School students (6th-8th) provides hands-on instruction that will help teens develop a love of cooking and the skills to make healthy food choices wherever they go.  Ohio Wesleyan University students teach middle school teens kid-approved lunches which are healthy, budget-minded and easy to make. 

Middle school spring dates coming soon! For questions, reach out to Lauren Brookover at



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stempossible CLUB

Middle school students will discover the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) around them in a fun club atmosphere.  STEMPossible club members will build robots, travel to work sites to see STEM in action ( see how cars are built, hydraulics work) and end the year with a trip to COSI!! Students are expected to attend as many Thursday clubs meetings as "STEMPossible!" This program is made "STEMPossible" by the Honda Foundation with support from PPG Paints!

Every THURSDAY September through end of June from from 3 TO 5 PM To be put on the waitlist, email Lauren Brookover,


Dungeons & Dragons the adventurer's league- Spring session 2025

Open to ALL Delaware County middle school students! Sign your student up for Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League spring session. Spring dates coming soon! If your student is interested in joining, email Lauren Brookover,



Picking an Orange Book
middle school book club

A Monthly Middle School Book Club facilitated by teens and librarians together! A Monthly Book Club, throughout the school year, facilitated by teens and librarians! Meet in April to talk Historical Fiction. We provide dinner, giveaways and fun. Your student only needs to read a historical fiction book from the list or bring one they have read.  Club dates will be announced soon.



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Let Me run

Sixth through eighth grade boys are invited to run with us! The Let Me Run ( fall season begins September 19th at the Strengthening Families Hub in the Willis Education Center. Boys must attend both days of programming and pick up on time from each practice. Program fees sponsored by United Way of Delaware County.  2025 Spring season registration opens February 10th. Email Lauren Brookover at for questions.

Register here.



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Baking It Happen Philanthropic Club!
Is your middle school student looking to build their skills as a baker? Students will learn the science behind baking and how to bake cakes, cookies, muffins, & more with local bakers! Students will also learn about philanthropic giving opportunities in the community.
 If interested, contact Lauren Brookover at
Registration coming soon.
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big brothers big sisters 

 To learn more about participating, visit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware County. Contact BBBS of Delaware for more info.





syntero counseling

Free mental health drop-in services are available in the Wellness Room at the Willis Education Center  These services include prevention practices designed to inform, educate, demonstrate skills, and reduce risk behaviors in youth. Clinicians are available to assist in teaching social skills, healthy decision making, and refusal or “saying no” skills. Call (740) 417-4733 to talk with someone from Syntero Counseling.




School supplies are provided to Delaware County students K-12 to have the resources they need to feel confident and ready to learn in the upcoming school year. VISIT SUPPLIES FOR SCHOLARS FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION.


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